The Study Group has made considerable progress over the past 10 years, although the Group has had some setbacks and has not really utlized all its potentiality. As we are aware the Study Group and the Friends of Korea generally operate in an extremely adverse environment, not only hostility from the obvious enemies such as the imperialist reactionaries but from modern revisionist and dogmatist quarters.
Our Group as a matter of principle does not engage in sectarian disputes. A certain journal of a particular leftist organisation launched in its autumn 2009 edition an unwarranted attack upon the Study Group's fraternal body UK KFA. I believe that the UK KFA made a restrained and dignified reply to these onslaughts on the good name of the KFA. The Study Group firmly adheres to the stand of building maximum unity among the friends of Korea and with those forces who can be won to the cause of Korean Soildarity.
The Study Group started the decade with a low membership base and with few resources. Infact the year 2000 the Study Group was dependent upon the goodwill of other organisations, for instance in arranging meetings. As of 2009 the Study Group has had increase in core membership of 10 and a associate membership of 50. Currently the Group has members in London,Southampton,Manchester, Stoke On Trent and other UK cities.The Study Group has the capability to operate in all areas of activity independently, in the spirit of Juche.
"Independence Star", the journal of the Study Group comes out on a regluar basis, at least four times a year. The journal is both published in hard copy and is displayed online.The journal contains various items on the Juche Idea and its application, DPRK news and events.
Over the years the Study Group has build up relations of trust with the Korean organisations - KPIEC & KPEA. These relationships with the KPIEC and KPEA have helped the Study Group to distribute large numbers of DPRK publications, CDs and DVDs, especially the works of KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL among various sectors from across Britain. The Study Group is attempting to expand its commerical ties with these DPRK bodies in the near future.
A consistent relationship has delevoped with the International Institute of the Juche Idea in Tokyo.The Study Group has attempted to further its links with the European Regional Society for the Juche Idea headquarted in Paris. Recently the Group's relations with the Korean Association of Social Scientists have become close, warm and extremely fraternal.It is with a great degree of pride that the Study Group now has excellent relations with the social scientists from the Land of the Juche Idea and of Songun Politics..It can be said that the Group for the Study of the Juche Idea of Britain is an integral part of the International Juche Study Movement.
We regard the Korean Friendship Association as being our dear brother - in - arms.Since its foundation 10 years ago in November 2000 the KFA has done alot of really tremendous work in promoting the DPRK on the internet and in other media. The Study Group acts in
unsion with UK KFA . It is the Study Group which acts as the base for the UK KFA activity, we view KFA operations being of paramount significance for spreading understanding of the DPRK in Great Britain.
At the moment the Study Group has a number of allied organisations. These include:
If an organisation or movement desires to noticed in today's conditions it must take the opportunities offered by the internet. The internet has raised considerably our public profile over the last decade. Officially the Study Group Website went online in 2002. Its address is This website is the visible face of the Group and it is the place where newcomers can research the Juche Idea in a matter of minutes.Since its creation the Study Group's website has had thousands of hits.
Our sister bodies have now got their own websities:
Infact the majority of these websities were setup with the assistance of Dermot Hudson.With the technical know-how of Dermot the Study Group was able to launch into this form of communcations. Can I use this occasion to thank on behalf of the Study Group membership the founder & leader of the Group - Mr.Dermot Hudson. For 25 years now to the present day - January 30th 2010 Comrade Hudson's determination in disseminating the Juch Idea in this country & building up the Study Group has been of an legendary character. Comrade Hudson has been able to overcome truly titanic obstacles so as to construct the Study Group. Dermot is an example of pure loyalty to the Juche Cause, an Ideal of an Independent and creative Man.
Every year the Study Group as our basic credo has held seminars for the Birth Anniversaries of President KIM IL SUNG and of General KIM JONG IL. Starting in the year 2000 here is just a brief summary of the most memorable and successful Study Group Meetings:
In February 2002 to mark the 60th birthday of KIM JONG IL a Grand Celebratory Meeting was held.
In July 2003 a KFA International Meeting was held with a large Attendance. The KFA Gathering was made possible through the efforts of the Study Group.
In December 2003 a meeting held on the Revolutionary Biography of Madame KIM JONG SUK.
In January 2004 a Seminar was arranged on the subject of "The Juche Understanding Of Man's Position In The World".
In April 2004 a Seminar was held on the Revolutionary Biography and Works of the Respected President KIM IL SUNG.
July 2005 a meeting & social event held to the mark the the Victory of the Korean People in The Fatherland Liberation War.
A Gala Meeting held to mark the Birth Anniversary Of KIM IL SUNG in April 2006.
A celebratory seminar in honour of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Glorious DPRK held in September 2008.
Last Year , 2009,the Study Group conducted several seminars such as in January a Seminar was conducted on the work "THE ORIGINALITY OF THE JUCHE PHILOSOPHY".
In April a seminar was held on the work "PROGRESSIVE JOURNALISTS OF THE FIVE CONTINENTS WIELD YOUR POWERFUL REVOLUTIONARY PEN". Professer Hugh Goodacre presented a paper on the subject of "THE DIU & THE REVOLUTIONARY TRADITIONS OF THE WORKERS PARTY OF KOREA" to a seminar in October. In conjunction with the UK KFA a highly productive meeting on the DPRK and the need for solidarity with Korea was held in Manchester on October 31. There was an informal gathering in December.
The Chariman of the Study Group was a guest of honour to the celebrations in Pyongyang, DPRK to mark the 90th Birth Anniverary of KIM IL SUNG April 2002.Comrade Hudson paid a visit to the DPRK in late September 2008 at the invitation of KASS. Dermot participated in the European Regional Juche Seminar held in Paris in 2003 and in the International Juche Conference staged in Caracas, Venezuela during September 2005.
During late June to early July 2009 the Group's Secretary General Mr.Shaun Pickford made a very successful visit to the DPRK at the request of KASS. The visit of Mr.Pickford to the DPRK in July 2009 only strenghten our fraternal bonds with KASS.We hope to send even more delegations from the Study Group to Songun Korea in the near future.
As an acknowledgement of the vigorous activities performed by the Study Group in furthering soildarity work with Korea, the Group has been mentioned in the dispatches of the KCNA. The Study Group produces on a regluar basis statements in support of the DPRK and on Korean topics.Sometimes these Study Group Statements appear in the DPRK press and on the British progressive media outlets.
Dermot Hudson has contributed many articles on the Juche Idea and the DPRK. Mr.Hudson wrote a lengthy article on "The Struggle of the WPK Aganist Modern Revisionism". Dermot spoke on the DPRK to an audience at the Oxford University Asia-Pacific Society. For all his efforts for promoting solidarity work with the Korean People Dermot Hudson was rewarded the DPRK Friendship Order (Second Class) in 2002. In the December 2009 & January 2010 issues of "Korea Today" carried Shaun Pickford's account "Travel To The Land Of Songun". Mr.Pickford was granted a portrait badge with the beaming image of Respected President KIM IL SUNG during his July 2009 visit by KASS. The National Organiser Mr.Kevin Cain organised a mass demonstration outside the south Korean embassy on June 25th 2009. Professor Goodacre has presented a number of papers on the Juche philosophical system to various academic forums in the past.
Future tasks for the Study Group:
To Increase Membership Figures.
To expand the influence and profile of the Study Group.
To continuously educate the membership of the Study Group in the Juche Idea and in Songun Politics.
To circulate the classic works of KIM IL SUNG and KIM JONG IL widely among different sectors in the UK.
To have more delegations from the Study Group visiting the DPRK and attending international Juche conferences.
To increase the Study Group's work among political actvists, anti-imperialist campaigners, trade unionists, academics and students from various quarters from across Britain.
Aim to hold a grand national seminar on the Juche Idea with the attendance of of the academic community,political parties,trade unions, solidarity groups and progressive individuals. To invite a working level delegation from KASS to the grand national seminar.
To publish one or two of the classic works of KIM IL SUNG and of KIM JONG IL under the Lodestar Publishers franchise. To increase the distribution of "Independence Star" and to achieve a more diverse readership for the journal.
To produce a book of travelogues by Study Group members who have visited the DPRK.
To cement commerical links with KPIEC and KPEA.
To organise a Gala celebratory meeting for April 2012 in central London.
Fundrasing Ideas for the Group:
Hold a DPRK film evening with alcholic & soft drinks and snacks on offer.
A Study Group tour of historic London.
A Study Group Meal.
Sales of DPRK literature, CDs and DVDs. Making Donations to the Group.
The last decade,00s, was a time of expansion and consolidation. Over the duration of that decade the Study Group grew in terms of quality and qauntity.So as we celebrate the 68th birthday of the Great Leader General KIM JONG IL let us re-trouble our efforts to build up the Study Group emulating the ethos of Kanggye and of Chollima. Progressive people are looking more and more for a credible alternative ideology that will take into account the complexities of the 21st century. That is why there has been an increased curiosity in the Juche Idea among democratic circles. The Study Group still has a mountain to climb, but overcoming the vast difficulties in front of us, we shall overcome with our strong and pure faith in the Juche Idea. It is our duty as the pioneers of Juche reserach activities to go forward towards contributing to the creation of a New Peoples Britain and to a New Independent and Peaceful World!!