US, the chief criminal of Gwangju massacre
US, the chief criminal of Gwangju massacre
Members of the Korea Solidarity for Independent Reunification and Democracy in south Korea held rally before the White House on May 18 together with the Association for Supporting Prisoners of Conscience of the Family Movement for Realizing Democracy in the US. The participants observed a moment's silence in memory of the Gwangju uprisers who laid down their lives in the fight for independence and democracy against the fascist military dictatorship. At the rally speakers said that 36 years have elapsed since the Gwangju uprising and accused Chun Doo-hwan, the ringleader of manslaughter, of denying the brutal massacre of resistance fighters, far from apologizing for it. In order to embellish the history of autocracy, the south Korean chief executive has distorted the history textbook to belittle the spirit of Gwangju popular uprising, they denounced. What we should not forget is the fact that the US was behind the massacre in Gwangju because it was impossible to mobilize armed forces without the US approval at that time, they noted, adding: Though it was disclosed that the US approved the military involvement before the massacre, the US has still denied it. They disclosed that the US conducted experiments on anthrax and botulinus germ as well as Zika virus and the US is going to make its military bases for biochemical warfare. The US troops in south Korea have committed innumerable crimes in south Korea and the Gwangju massacre is one of them, they added, the south Korea authorities have winked at the GIs’ crimes. They demanded the withdrawal of the US troops from south Korea. A statement was read out. It said the organizations in south Korea and abroad would intensify actions against the US and war. |