Songun politics of great Marshal Kim Jong Il is the banner for world’s independence
Paper presented by AINDFSK to UK Songun Conference 30th July 2005The Songun politics pursued by great Marshal Kim Jong Il is not only a powerful treasured sword which reliably safeguards dignity and sovereignty of the Korean nation and defends peace and security of the Korean Peninsula but also a banner promoting the realization of the world’s independence dynamically.
Marshal Kim Jong Il who brilliantly inherited the Songun idea and traditions pioneered by great President Kim Il Sung in the period of the anti-Japanese armed struggle put up “independence plus Songun” as the highest philosophy of the Korean nation and a vital requirement of the whole nation, realized the single-minded unity of the leader, party and people of Korea with credit and opened wide avenue for building a prosperous powerful nation and reunifying the country independently.
The heroic mettle of the Korean army and people who are advancing under the uplifted red flag of Baekdu smashing the US-led imperialists’ moves to isolate and strangle Korea, closely rallying around the great Marshal even under the hardest conditions, renders unlimited inspiration and encouragement to the AINDF vanguards, the south Korean people and the world’s progressives.
From the outset of the new century the humankind’s aspiration to live independently and peacefully on the principle of independence and equality against the US unilateral hegemony moves emerges worldwide as stronger as ever and the struggle for independence against the US forms a main stream of our times.
Today’s reality in which the US desperation for world hegemony under the signboard of counterterrorism is more pronounced proves that the Songun politics of Korea which incomparably enhances the country’s defense capabilities on the principle of giving precedence to military affaires and the national defense, frustrating the US war provocations and proudly demonstrating its prestige and dignity on the international arena, is really the most powerful and realistic mode of politics in our times.
Korea, even in the acute on-going showdown between the DPRK and the US in regard to the nuclear issue, daringly declared on February 10 that it had already possessed nukes and further proposed on March 31 to hold nuclear disarmament negotiations on an equal footing with the big nuclear powers.
Though the US invaded and occupied former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq unlawfully styling itself as the only super power after the collapse of the USSR and other East European socialist countries, its former rivals, now it is in a tight corner in the political and military confrontation with Songun Korea, struck by its powerful anti-US independent stand.
The world’s progressive humankind looks up to Korea which wins only victory in its showdown with the US and exalts its dignity, and makes efforts to study and embody the Songun politics with great attention realizing that the dignified reality of Korea is attributable to the might of Marshal Kim Jong Il’s Songun politics.
The staunch principles evidenced during the DPRK-US showdown and their basis, the Songun politics affect the policy toward the US of the neighboring powers a great deal.
These powers reject the US unilateral aggression and war moves, give priority to strengthening the national independent defense capabilities and strive to form a strong solidarity front against the US on the regional and world dimension.
The independent stance of several European countries which refused to give helping hands to the US invasion on Iraq become an important political tendency to promote a multi-polar system of the world based on the individual independent defense capacity in confrontation with the US unilateral world domination strategy.
Many countries in the Middle East, Central and South Americas and Africa influenced by the Songun politics of Korea step up their efforts to strengthen the military power providing against the US aggression and map out the independent nuclear development program and develop the nuclear energy industry ambitiously.
With the increasing worldwide interest in the Songun politics the enthusiasm to recognize it as a powerful mode of politics to confront the US unilateral hegemonic domination and study it gets momentum in the third world countries and different delegations visit Korea to study the Songun politics and upgrade the military cooperation with it.
Driven by the growing anti-US independence trend among the countries greatly inspired by the Songun politics, the US gets more isolated in international institutions and political arena and its unilateralism and hegemony policy face increasing condemnation from most of the countries of the world, even from its allied ones, and doomed to failure.
It can be said also that the denunciation of the US in the international institutions and the strengthening of the south-south cooperation, regional unity and multilateralism among the progressive countries are associated with the rising voice for independence against the hegemony in the world due to the impact of the formidable anti-US offensive and high-handed attitude toward the US by Songun Korea.
The reality that the US faces opposition and denunciation everywhere though it deploys some 300,000-strong troops throughout the world and spends the military budget tantamount to that of all the countries’ military expenses combined now, demonstrates that only by pursuing the Songun politics can it be possible to defeat the US and build a new world, independent, prosperous and peaceful.
Along with the patriotic struggles of the peoples in south Korea, Iraq and other regions against the US military occupation and for national independence, and the ever intensifying aspiration of anti-US independence throughout the world, the US aggression and war moves for unilateral world domination will face but destruction and the just cause of humankind for a peaceful and independent new world will surely emerge victorious.
For the European countries it is of paramount importance in realizing the world’s independence against the US hegemony strategy to conduct united anti-US independent action.
Let the world progressives including the European people strengthen their military capabilities in all ways in close unity under the banner of Songun, smash the US policy of strength by their strong military power and build a new independent and peaceful world free of the US occupation, domination, murder and exploitation!Long live the great Songun idea and Songun politics!