the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung among working people
It is very important to retrospect the life and revolutionary activities and celebrate his achievements on the day before the anniversary of his birth.
To some people in Britain and indeed other parts of the so called “free world” (which in reality means the imperialist and decadent capitalist world and is not free) people regard politics with marked scepticism and indeed cynicism and distrust political figures of any persuasion.So some people may find it strange that we are celebrating the birth of a political leader. Korean people revere the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung as the Sun because he led the struggle to break the chains of Japanese imperialism thus ended the darkness that had befallen Korea bringing the light of independence to the beautiful silk embroidered land of the 3,000ri. Moreover he created a unique socialist system centred upon the popular masses which the Korean people regard not as their pride and happiness but as the very source of life.The socialist system of the people is the enduring legacy of the great leader President Kim Il Sung.
Socialism in the DPRK survived the frustation of socialism in the USSR and Eastern Europe which occurred between 1989-1991 owing the evil machinations of modern revisionism.When others fell by the wayside the DPRK raised high the Red banner of Socialism.Indeed the DPRK’s socialist system was consolidated.On the 13th of February 1992 President Kim Il Sung issued a decreee which increased wages and salaries by 43.4%,pensions by 50.7% and student grants by 33%.
The great leader President Kim Il Sung always put the people first and centred everything on them right from the start.For example the word people appears in not only the state title but you have Peoples Hospitals,Peoples Committees and the Peoples Assemby.
President Kim Il Sung in the 1940s guided the anti imperialist,anti feudal democratic revolution smashing imperialism and feudalism creating a new peoples democratic state in Korea the first of its kind in Asia.An agarian reform was instigated giving peasants land free of charge,a labour law which gave workers an 8 hour day and social insurance was also passed.The life of the country was democratized.The great leader comrade Kim Il Sung himself personally participated in rice transplanting and in a river improvement project. Between 1944 and 1949 industrial output value increased 337%,the number of hospitals increased 2 times and schools by 3 times as well.
Unfortunately this rapid progress in construction was interrupted by the Korean war instigated by the US imperialists.Despite the destruction caused by the barbarous bombing of the US imperialists comrade Kim Il Sung took measures to stabilize and improve peoples living conditions so that no one starved and there were no homeless orphans wandering the streets.In one village the Yankee imperialist destroyed the soy jars ,so on learning about this comrade Kim Il Sung sent six lorries loaded with soy and salt and shoes to the village.During the war he not only envisaged the reconstruction of Pyongyang but actively planned it. After the the end of the Korean war he led the reconstruction of the war ravaged DPRK.New industries and housing sprang up-the DPRK was a true phoenix rising from the ashes.Comrade Kim Il Sung created a unique Korean style socialist system centred upon the popular masses are masters of everything and everything serves them.In doing so he had to fight against dogmatists,revisionists and flunkeyists who opposed the transition to socialism.
Agricultural co operativization was carried in a unique without following existing formulas which asserted that it could only be carried if mechanization was carried out first but in the DPRK is was carried out because it was the essential demand of the peasants.The socialist transformation of the remaining private trade and private industry was pushed ahead;President Kim Il Sung said that “there is no need to make society capitalistic and then go to the trouble of fostering the capitalists just to smash them and then build socialism”
(on Juche In Our Revolution vol 2 p10)
By 1958 an advanced and superior socialist system of a Korean style had come into existence in the DPRK.Shortly afterwards new forms of leadership and guidance were created.In 1960 comrade Kim Il Sung spent 15 days at the village of Chongsan ri and created the Chongsan ri method and Chongsan ri spirit which in practice means the leadership and cadres must go to the basic units to assess the situation there and provide help to them.Nowadays it is a legal obligation for officials to do 1 day of manual labour per week.In 1961 The Taean system of industrial management was created which is a socialist collective form of managing an enterprise by the Party committee.
The establishment of the socialist system created a wide avenue for both rapid industrialization and the improvement of peoples living standards.Between 1957 and 1970 industrial output value increased at a rate of 19.1% per year.National income per capita increased by 65 times per head between 1946 and 1984.However life is not just about production figures and gnp and gdp statistics.The DPRK has provided people with the right to work,housing is provided at a very low cost or even totally free(one could only sigh when you contrast this to the recent headline about house Prices in London going up even faster).Education is also free up to all levels which include university and post graduate study.School clothes and other things for children are either free or sold at 50% of cost price.Mothers with more than 3 children can work a 6 hour day but be paid for 8 hours.The retirement age is 60 for men and 55 for women.Free medical care was introduced in 1953 and buttressed by further legalisation in 1960 and 1980.All treatment is including medicine is free and the state even pays travelling expenses to the sanatorium!Taxation including local autonomy tax was abolished in 1974.
Such measures have not been taken in all socialist countries nor in rich countries but have been taken in the DPRK because of the profound concern of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung for the people and the belief that the country should shoulder full responsiblity for the destiny and well-being of the people.President Kim Il Sung made sure that improvement of the peoples living standard was enshrined in the principles of both the WPK and DPRK.
Such a policy emanates from the Juche idea which teaches that the masses are the masters of eveything and the human is the centre of everything.It stems from as well and is at the same time a reflection of the profound popular work style of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung who said that the “People Are My God”
Eternal glory to the memory of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung.