Crazy Sycophantic Betrayal
Crazy Sycophantic Betrayal
Recently the south Korean chief executive committed the sycophantic treacherous acts enough to plunge the whole nation into a shock through his US junket and the meeting with the Japanese prime minister, touching off a strong protest and anger among different circles. While in the US he kept mum on the sexual assaults by the US aggression forces against the schoolgirls in south Korea despite the scathing condemnation of the public, but accepted all the unilateral demands of his masters currying favor with them jabbering so-called “alliance ties” and “friendly nation”. On the passage of the implementation bill of the FTA in the US Congress to coincide with his US junket, he bowed his thanks for it allegedly as “a new chapter in the alliance ties” and “a development”. Now that various circles in south Korea brand the FTA with the US as a ruinous treaty less short of the “Ulsa Five-point Treaty” and vehemently oppose its ratification in the “National Assembly”, he committed disgraceful treachery of selling off the south Korean economy and the people's right to living, stock and barrel, boasting about a sort of “leap” and “big benefits”. What a disgusting pro-US sycophantic traitor! With the conclusion of the FTA 1% of the conglomerates and pro-US privileged clan may indulge themselves in wealthy life, however, the absolute majority of the population including the farmers will encounter bigger misfortune and death only. It is really a humiliating junket which plainly revealed the chief executive’s nature as the one ingrained in pro-US sycophantic sentiment to the marrow of his bones. The meeting with the Japanese prim minister days ago in south Korea also disclosed his anti-nation and anti-reunification attitude. During his talks with the Japanese prime minister on October 19 and other occasions he never dealt even a bit with the biggest pending issues including the dominium over Dok Islets, reparation to the comfort women for the Imperial Japanese Army and the revision of history books, but stressed the close cooperation for solving the north’s nuclear problem and the support and cooperation to the so-called “abduction issue” The crazy acts of the south Korean conservative group to curry favor with its masters by selling off the nation’s dignity and interests and maintain its power should never be tolerated. Now the organizations in agriculture, stock-breeding and fishery fields including the National Federation of Peasants Associations, the National Peasants’ Solidarity and the Emergency Measure Committee of the Agriculture, Stock-breeding and Fishery Fields to Oppose the Conclusion of the FTA, the opposition parties and various other civic organizations strongly oppose the FTA which the US pressurized and the traitorous group accepted as a death sentence to the farming and peasants, a treacherous agreement which destroys the agriculture and kills the farmers and a ruinous treaty devoid of equilibrium and sovereignty. The south Korean people will mete out a stern judgment of the nation to the traitorous clan for sure.