Warning to Ruin of Capitalism
The struggle against capitalism begun at the Wall Street, Manhattan of the US on September 17 is sweeping over the world. In south Korea, too, on October 15 as the US protesters set as an “international action day” and called for positive response, fierce struggles took place in different parts of Seoul against poverty, economic inequality and social polarization.
The participants noted that there are many students who commit suicide for the registration fee, old people who lost the money they saved in their lifetime due to the crimes of the financial organs and workers who lost their jobs due to the speculative capitalists, and criticized the “government” which should supervise and control the capitalists’ deeds but shields them. That day in front of the US embassy, members of civic organizations urged US president Obama’ apology and the revision of south Korea-US “Status of Forces Agreement” in regard to the atrocious crimes perpetrated by the US occupation troops in recent days. On the same day, some 500 people including members of civic organizations and labor circles and Participants in rallies and demos taken place in different parts of Seoul that day called for struggle in united efforts against the exploitation of greedy capital and staged protest actions chanting such slogans as “Occupy Seoul!”, “We condemn the avarice of financial capital and the social polarization!” and “Money kills people”. Capitalism based on swindle, lies, hypocrisy, vanity, mammonism, the law of the jungle, individualism and liberty is the root cause of all the misfortune and sufferings and is doomed to ruin for its structural contradiction and social ills. The society which reflects the human aspirations for independent living and development is the socialist society where the popular masses are master of everything and everything serves them.