Consecutive publication of declarations on the current situation
Consecutive publication of declarations on the current situation
Campaign for issuing a declaration on the current situation to punish Park Geun-hye is brisk in the universities in Seoul and across south Korea with the start of the Ehwa Woman’s University.
On October 26, the General Student Council of Ehwa Woman’s University, in its declaration on the situation, said that Choi Soon-sil gate and state anarchy of the Park regime laid bare the Park regime’s incompetence. It sharply demanded Park’s responsibility for the state anarchy, the truth to be proven in the future and her resignation.
On the same day, the General Student Council of Seogang University, alma mater of Park, stated that there is no ground the present government to exist as the "adviser in darkness" existed behind the Park's regime and declared that it would launch action to step down Park in its declaration.
The General Student Council of Seoul National University, in its declaration issued on Oct. 28, said it is confirmed that Park is impervious to reason and delinquent as the president and strongly demanded withdrawal of the Park regime.
On the same day, the General Student Council of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, in its declaration, stressed the Choi Soon-sil gate is the destruction of democracy beyond the monopolization of state affairs and Park is entirely blame for the monopolization of state affairs. If Park lays blame for the monopolization of state affairs at the door of other, the people will punish her in the spirit of past popular resistance, it noted.
Ten general student councils including Korea, Dongguk, Seogang, Yonsei, Ehwa Woman’s, Chungang, Hanyang and Hongik universities called a news conference at the Hanyang University on Oct. 29 to strongly demand Park’s resignation and an impartial investigation of Choi Soon-sil gate.
More than forty universities issued declaration on the current situation across south Korea as of Oct. 31 and more declarations are expected to be released.