In the north Korean society where the exploitation and oppression of man by man was liquidated once and for all, everyone enjoys his independent and creative life to his heart’s content with equal rights.
In north Korea the working people are the masters of the society and fully in charge of administering the affairs of the state and society. It means that the working masses are masters of everything; the government and assets.
Ordinary workers, farmers, intellectuals and their children work as responsible officials of the Party, state, people's power organs at different levels, and factories, enterprises and co-op farms.
Thanks to the popular policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea and the active role of the people's government responsible for the people's livelihood, the north Korean society forms a big harmonious family and the true popular benefits are afforded in all aspects of the social life such as free compulsory education and free medical services. And taxes were abolished long ago.
Thanks to the great Songun politics and benevolent policy of leader Kim Jong Il who continues the long march of patriotism and devotion to factories and co-op farms regarding “People are My God” as his lifelong maxim, north Korea is sprucing up itself as a model country of politics and a paradise in the 21st century.
However, in south Korea which shares the same terrain with north Korea the working people are suffering all sorts of pains, misfortune and disasters owing to the unpopular policies of traitor Lee Myong-bak.
South Korean economy faces unenviable crisis so that jobless and homeless millions of people are roaming over streets without any hope and many people commit suicide everyday because of the dependent economic policy of the pro-US sycophant.
7 million households have no home for their own, 680 000 households are living in shanties and dugouts, and 1.2 million children are selling their labor in the street, let alone studying.
Indescribable are the sufferings of the south Korean people by the fascist ruling of the group of traitors.
The Lee Myong-bak killing group perpetrated a shuddering crime on last January 20 by sending the fascist police force to barbarously suppress the citizens in Ryongsan, Seoul, who were out for defending their right to subsistence, burning 5 people to death and wounding dozens.
South Korea was reduced more and more to a tundra of human rights and a dark land where fascism prevails, human dignity and democracy are infringed upon and everything progressive is trampled down due to the treacherous sycophancy and oppressive policy of the Lee clique.
The reality glaringly shows that overthrowing the traitorous Lee regime which turns its back to the nation, curries favour with outsiders and commits crimes one after another is the only way for the south Korean people to terminate their miserable life and misfortune, and live a human life.
Now the south Korean people are more vigorously struggling against the Lee regime with a firm resolve to deal a heavy blow to it, looking up to north Korea where genuine rights are guaranteed for the working people as the masters of the state and society and everything serves the popular masses, as a beacon of hope.
