Politics Based on the Working-Class-after-Army Principle
The accomplishment of the independent cause, or the socialist cause, of the popular masses depends on what principle the revolutionary forces responsible for the undertaking are formed.
Important is the issue of the main driving force of the revolution.
This is one of the key problems in strengthening the driving forces of the revolution and enhancing their role so as to promote the revolutionary movement.
The driving forces of the revolution are the direct undertaker that purposefully and consciously starts the revolutionary movement and actively propels it, and the main driving force of the revolution plays the leading role as the elite of the driving forces of the revolution.
The victorious advance of the revolution is guaranteed by the might of the driving forces, and the might of the driving forces depends on that of the main force.
Songun politics clarified that which class, strata or collective of a society become the main force of the revolution is determined by their positions and roles in the revolution and construction and their revolutionary spirit, organization and fighting efficiency.
The previous revolutionary theory, on the basis of analysis of the class relations of society at that time, maintained that the working class was the most advanced and revolutionary class whose mission was to liquidate the domination by capital and all manner of exploiting systems and realize socialism and communism, and defined the working class as the leading class and the main driving force of the revolution.
Now, however, more and more workers are becoming intellectualized, and on the rapid increase is the number of workers engaged in technical, intellectual or mental work instead of physical work. This reality shows that the main force of the revolution should not be defined in view of class relations.
Songun politics, free from any established theory or formula, defined the army as the main force of the revolution on the basis of scientific explanation of the position it takes in the revolutionary struggle.
The Juche-oriented view of the army is that the army is a group of the strongest revolutionary spirit, organization and capacity for unity, and thus takes the leading position and plays a decisive role in accomplishing the socialist cause.
Originally, an army is a group whose mission is to wage a do-or-die armed struggle.
A revolutionary army is formed with progressive elements of all strata including workers, farmers and intellectuals and represents the basic interests of the popular masses.
This is why the soldiers of such army are stronger than anyone else in revolutionary determination and will. The army regards discipline as its life, so there is no match for the army in organization and the capacity for unity.
With the progress of the revolution and construction in a socialist society, the positions and roles of social collectives are continuously enhanced.
Still, no organization or collective can take the same position and play the same role as the revolutionary army.
Therefore, the development of a socialist society requires that the army be put forward as the pillar, main driving force, of the revolution.
As mentioned above, Songun politics makes it possible to strengthen the driving forces of the revolution on the principle of the working class after the army, and successfully advance the socialist cause by dint of their decisive role.